- Open a bug in shindig for feature version support
- Open a bug to manage version compatibility to REST API ([http://code.google.com/p/opensocial-resources/issues/detail?id=1146] )
- Need to agree on the best way to manage versions and backward compatibility
- Open Feature to support specifying timeout for individual (osapi.http requests). This is managed at the container level today.
- IE8 Issue specific header in the response (Optional Params on the HTTP request) -- Look at makeRequest
- Alias (Relative URLs) for OSAPI
- Open Shindig bug to align makeRequest & osapi http handlers
- Open Shindig bug to have oauth popup work with osapi
Other Discussions
Test Cases: Matt will update the opensocial.xslt to include a "test case" tag, or something like that. This will be included in the text so that we can know which areas have compliance tests and which do not.
Next Agenda (TBD) & Readout
Next Week: Vote on The following
- Code review on Revision 1356, view level features
- Code review on Revision 1356, view level features
- Revision ... Remove Appendix A