As was illustrated by the confusion and discussion at the face-to-face around the notion of an "OWNER" , it's obvious that these things need clarification and proper definition in the spec. Primarily, the idea of "OWNER" is far to under-defined in 2.x ...

For 3.0, I would like to see us clarify those things even further...and possibly even define a few additional roles for clarity..

  1. VIEWER - The entity for which gadget is currently being rendered.
  2. SUBJECT - The data that is currently being handled by the gadget
  3. OWNER - The entity responsible for the gadget instance
  4. CONTEXT - The context into which the gadget instance is included (e.g. the page it is installed on)
  5. SOURCE - The source of the gadget specification (identifies the entity that created the gadget)

For example,

When a Profile gadget is displayed on a page...

When a Files gadget is displayed on a page...

Currently, the single, poorly defined OWNER role is used ambiguously by containers to represent SUBJECT, OWNER, CONTEXT and SOURCE... which isn't adequate for a variety of reasons.

SUBJECT is the most difficult to define of the roles since it may not necessarily represent a single data object, but a composite of information from multiple sources and multiple owners compiled dynamically by the gadget itself. For instance, a gadget may display data from a profile, a list of files, and an activity stream.

The specific extent of this change would need to be determined. However, the following changes would be apparent: