Community Changes Before OpenSocial 3.0
Before we can put all of our efforts into OpenSocial 3.0 we need to address several community related issues. Solving these issues will allow OpenSocial 2.5 to be successful and at the same time free everyone up to focus on producing a feature rich 3.0 spec.
- Fix OpenSocial's web presence
- Revamp the OpenSocial landing page, it needs to be informative for both developers and C-Level executives
- Come up with a consistent look and feel across the OpenSocial community
- Landing page (Clint and SugarCRM)
- Apache Shindig (Ryan Baxter)
- Apache Rave (Matt Franklin)
- Sandbox sites (Ryan Baxter, Andrew Davis, Matt Franklin)
- Wiki (Andy Smith)
- OpenSocial Blog (Mark Weitzel)
- Fix developer onboarding
- Gadget developer tutorials (Andrew Davis)
- Container developer tutorials (Ryan Baxter)
- OpenSocial 2.5 spec compliance in Shindig 2.5 (Community)
- Release Rave 1.0 (Matt Franklin)
- Move spec repo to Github (James Snell and Mark Weitzel)
- Fix upgrade documentation (Community)
- Encourage community to upgrade to 2.5 (Jonathan LebBanc)