Errata in v0.9
There are 2 spec patches for this proposal:
Fixes in CL 143053
.name should be .displayName
We've got a bunch of examples in the OSAPI section that use (or something similar). However, the name property is a structured object, so we should use displayName instead.
.list and .totalResults
Some examples in the osapi section examples say "You have " + ownerFriends.length + " friends". This is both logically and syntactically incorrect
Since the request probably only grabbed 20 friends by default, we actually want the total number of friends which is returned in ownerFriends.totalResults.
If we did want to display the number of friends returned in the request, we'd have to do ownerFriends.list.length.
MediaItem typo
In the description says: "integer, number of comments on the photo."
And I think that it should say: integer, number of comments on the
media item.".
Typo in Message.Field.TYPE
Description should be 'The type of the message, specified as an opensocial.Message.Type' (not 'The title of the...')
'time' should be 'datetime'
- opensocial.Activity.Field.POSTED_TIME
- opensocial.MediaItem.Field.CREATED
- opensocial.MediaItem.Field.LAST_UPDATED
- opensocial.Message.Field.TIME_SENT
- (spec list thread)
view constructor should not be documented
Section 5.12.1 in the gadgets specification should be removed, as it reads:
5.12.1 Constructor
JOB_INTERESTS should be an array of strings
JOB_INTERESTS should be an array of strings, instead of just a single string as it is currently defined
RPC requests do not have nested params field
The example in 9.2.1 has params.params.fields. It should just be params.fields
Minimessage createTimerMessage
Alter the text for opt_callback:
Optional callback function to be called when the message is about to be dismissed. To continue the dismissal of the message, this function should return true. The callback function will not be called until after the existing callstack has completed execution.
osapi.http methods only take one parameter
This issue came up in this thread on the spec list. osapi.http methods should only take one parameter, and the url is provided as an 'href' property in that parameter (not as a separate parameter.
itemsPerPage is duplicated in RPC spec
In RPC-Protocol.xml section 6, the itemsPerPage property is duplicated
Fixes in CL 144044
Remove 'Application Versioning' from gadgets spec
We agreed not to add this feature in v0.9, but the spec patch was never reverted and the current published v0.9 spec includes this feature.