Opensocial.Activity (v0.9)

Opensocial.Activity (v0.9)



Representation of an activity. Activities are rendered with a title and an optional activity body. You may set the title and body directly as strings when calling opensocial.newActivity. However, it is usually beneficial to create activities using Message Templates for the title and body. Users will have many activities in their activity streams, and containers will not show every activity that is visible to a user. To help display large numbers of activities, containers will summarize a list of activities from a given source to a single entry. You can provide Activity Summaries to customize the text shown when multiple activities are summarized. If no customization is provided, a container may ignore your activities altogether or provide default text such as "Bob changed his status message + 20 other events like this."

Activity Summaries will always summarize around a specific key in a key/value pair. This is so that the summary can say something concrete (this is clearer in the example below). Other variables will have synthetic "Count" variables created with the total number of items summarized. Message ID of the summary is the message ID of the main template + ":" + the data key

Example summaries:

<msg name="LISTEN_TO_THIS_SONG:Artist">
${Subject.Count} of your friends have suggested listening to songs by ${Artist}!
<msg name="LISTEN_TO_THIS_SONG:Song">
${Subject.Count} of your friends have suggested listening to ${Song}!
<msg name="LISTEN_TO_THIS_SONG:Subject">
${Subject.DisplayName} has recommended ${Song.Count} songs to you.

See also: opensocial.Message, opensocial.newActivity, opensocial.requestCreateActivity



;String getField(key, opt_params)

NameTypeDescription |



The key to get data for; see the Field class for possible values




Additional params to pass to the request.

TypeDescription |


The data

Gets the activity data that's associated with the specified key.


;String getId()

TypeDescription |


The ID

Gets an ID that can be permanently associated with this activity.


;setField(key, data)

NameTypeDescription |



The key to set data for



The data to set

Sets data for this activity associated with the given key.


All of the fields that activities can have. It is only required to set one of TITLE_ID or TITLE. In addition, if you are using any variables in your title or title template, you must set TEMPLATE_PARAMS. Other possible fields to set are: URL, MEDIA_ITEMS, BODY_ID, BODY, EXTERNAL_ID, PRIORITY, STREAM_TITLE, STREAM_URL, STREAM_SOURCE_URL, and STREAM_FAVICON_URL. Containers are only required to use TITLE_ID or TITLE, they may ignore additional parameters. See also: opensocial.Activity.getField()


A string specifying the application that this activity is associated with. This value can not be set. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'appId'.


A string specifying an optional expanded version of an activity. Bodies may only have the following HTML tags: <b> <i>, <a>, <span>. The container may ignore this formatting when rendering the activity. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'body'. See /wiki/spaces/a/pages/526799


A string specifying the body template message ID in the gadget spec. The body is an optional expanded version of an activity. Bodies may only have the following HTML tags: <b> <i>, <a>, <span>. The container may ignore this formatting when rendering the activity. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'bodyId'.


An optional string ID generated by the posting application. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'externalId'.


A string ID that is permanently associated with this activity. This value can not be set. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'id'.


Any photos, videos, or images that should be associated with the activity. Higher priority ones are higher in the list. The data has type Array< MediaItem >. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'mediaItems'.


A string specifying the time at which this activity took place in milliseconds since the epoch. This value can not be set. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'postedTime'.


A number between 0 and 1 representing the relative priority of this activity in relation to other activities from the same source This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'priority'.


<static> Member of: opensocial.Activity.Field.STREAM_FAVICON_URL This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'streamFaviconUrl'.


<static> Member of: opensocial.Activity.Field.STREAM_SOURCE_URL This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'streamSourceUrl'.


A string specifing the title of the stream. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'streamTitle'.


A string specifying the stream's URL. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'streamUrl'.


<static> Member of: opensocial.Activity.Field.TEMPLATE_PARAMS A map of custom key/value pairs associated with this activity. These will be used for evaluation in templates. The data has type Map<String, Object>. The object may be either a String or an opensocial.Person. When passing in a person with key PersonKey, can use the following replacement variables in the template: PersonKey.ProfileUrl. URL of the person's profile PersonKey.Id - The ID of the person PersonKey - Container may replace with DisplayName, but may also optionally link to the user. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'templateParams'.


A string specifying the primary text of an activity. Titles may only have the following HTML tags: <b> <i>, <a>, <span>. The container may ignore this formatting when rendering the activity. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'title'.


A string specifying the title template message ID in the gadget spec. The title is the primary text of an activity. Titles may only have the following HTML tags: <b> <i>, <a>, <span>. The container may ignore this formatting when rendering the activity. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'titleId'.


A string specifying the URL that represents this activity. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'url'.


The string ID of the user who this activity is for. This value can not be set. This field may be used interchangeably with the string 'userId'.

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