OAuth 2.0 Consumer Implementation in Apache Shindig

OAuth 2.0 Consumer Implementation in Apache Shindig

Still under construction ... more details coming soon ...

OAuth 2.0 Consumer for Apache Shindig

Adam Clarke, Eric Woods, Jeff Hoy, Li Xu and Matthew Marum are implementing support for an OAuth 2.0 Service Consumer in Apache Shindig.  This article provides an overview of the implementation including high level design, supported flows, common How-Tos, and future considerations.

The OAuth 2.0 specification is here: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-21

Other helpful OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 information here: http://oauth.net/2/

For more information on the related service provider (still separate) click here: OAuth 2.0 Service Provider Implementation in Apache Shindig

Also being tracked at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SHINDIG-1624

The consumer implementation is v2-21 compliant and was tested against Google, Facebook and the internal shindig provider documented in this Wiki and linked to above.


  • The OAuth 2.0 Consumer proposal is the combination of a small number of changes to the gadget spec and gadgets.io.makeRequest() API to allow gadgets running in an OpenSocial container to make proxied HttpRequests to service providers protected by OAuth 2.0.
  • The Shindig 3.0.0. Java Reference Implementation is an OAuth 2.0-v21 spec compliant server side implementation that supports Authorization Code (3-party) and Client Credentials (2-party) flows.  
  • It has been tested against Google API, Facebook API and the Shindig Provider developed by Matt and Eric with the "Bearer" Token Type.
  • The reference implementation can be extended (via Guice binding injections) to support additional Client Authentication requirements, Grant Types, Token Types, Authorization Responses and Token Responses.
  • The default OAuth2Request and OAuth2Store implementations offer other plugin points required for production-ready OAuth 2.0 deployments.  Persistence, Caching and Secret Encryptpion.
  1. OpenSocial Specification Considerations

  2. Running the Demo Gadgets

  3. OAuth 2.0 Flow Support

  4. High Level Design Overview (NOT DONE)

  5. Client Authentication

  6. Authorization Response Handling

  7. OAuth2CallbackServlet

  8. Token Response Handling

  9. Grant Types (NOT DONE)

  10. Token Types (NOT DONE)

  11. Accessing Protected Resources (NOT DONE)

  12. Access Token Refresh Flow (NOT DONE)

  13. Default Persistence (oauth2.json), Caching and Secret Encryption (NOT DONE)

  14. shindig.properties impacts

  15. web.xml impacts

  16. HOW TO ( NOT DONE)

  17. Future Considerations and TODOs