Spec Changes - v3.0
This page will be used to track the proposals for OpenSocial 3.0!
Each entry should be a link to the Feature request on OpenSocial Resources.
New Proposals
- Completion of the initial Spaces proposal work (Incubate in 2.5)
- Refactor the MediaItems/Albums service and combine with the CMIS work to have a single consistent File service? (related: Issue 1174) (Incubate in 2.5)
- Revised Specification Process
- File upload (how does this relate to multi-part upload)
- Protocol and Data Format Versioning (threads: [1][2]... module versioning as well?)
- Define AppData as a Core Service (not an optional Social Service)
- Adding resources on OpenSocial objects
- Opened Issues:
- Optional, extension query string parameters.
- connectionTimeout and readTimeout Parameters?
- Make shared-script-frame a specified feature.
- Search For OpenSocial Data (see also, Persistent Query Service proposal)
- 3.0 REST API Updates
- Simplification?
- Refactorization?
- Leveraging new emerging HTTP capabilities (PATCH, Link and Prefer headers)
- Updated Person model
- Persistent Query Service REST API
- Proxy Service REST API
- Federated Social Context
- Simplified Discovery
- Microdata Mapping
- Simplify Cache Service
Spec Cleanup
- Simplification and Clarification of entire spec** Drop Core API Spec Document... merge it's stuff more intelligently into the other specifications
- Provide a new Use-Case Driven Primer
- There are many, many more issues... See here for a small sampling... (preview)
- Move container language from other specs into common container spec (Issue 1247)
Candidates for Deprecation
- Deprecate OAuth 1.0 requirements
- Can we deprecate or at least separate the RPC protocol.. perhaps isolate it for use only with the Javascript API?
- Can we deprecate the XML Format??? (must have replacement API incubating)
- Deprecate media items / albums in lieu of CMIS alignment
- Deprecate makeRequest (must have fixed osapi API incubating)