Core-Gadget - i18n
Core-Gadget - i18n
The "JavaScript i18n" feature provides a JavaScript API for localized parsing and formatting of dates, times, numbers and currency according to the rules for the gadget's locale as set by the container. The feature is specified by including either an "Optional" or "Required" element within the "ModulePrefs" of the Gadget specification. The feature identifier is "opensocial-i18n". A container MUST emit the OpenSocial JavaScript i18n libraries and data files required by the libraries if an application requires the feature <Require feature="opensocial-i18n"/>. The container SHOULD emit the OpenSocial JavaScript i18n libraries and data files required by the libraries if an application optionallly requests the feature <Optional feature="opensocial-i18n"/>. Once available, gadget developer's can use the feature via the "gadgets.i18n" JavaScript class. The locale used by a gadget is established by the container when the gadget is rendered. The i18n feature will use the country and language specified in the locale to load the appropriate formatter and parser for any given date, time, number or currency. The i18n feature provides four distinct methods, defined <xref target="i18n.methods">here</xref>. These are formatDateTime, formatNumber, parseDateTime and parseNumber. At a minimum, each method takes as input a format pattern that defines the structure of the data being parsed or formatted and the value to which the pattern is to be applied. For instance, to format an integer using a localized grouping separator (e.g. the number 1234567 formatted as "1,234,567" when the locale is "en-US"), the following can be used:</t> var str = gadgets.i18n.formatNumber("#,###", 1234567); The i18n feature includes a number of common, predefined format patterns that can be used. The specific definition of these formats are specific to the locale established by the container. For instance, using the predefined "gadgets.i18n.MEDIUM_DATE_FORMAT" pattern to format the date for August, 4th 2006 using the "de" (German) locale using the formatDateTime method would output "04.08.2006". Using the same predefined pattern using the "en-US" (United States) locale, however, would output "08-04-2006". var date = new Date(2006,7,4); var str = gadgets.i18n.formatDateTime(gadgets.i18n.MEDIUM_DATE_FORMAT, date); When parsing and formatting currencies using the predefined patterns, There are several considerations that need to be taken into account. For example, when the default locale is set to "fr-FR" (France), and the gadgets.i18n.CURRENCY_PATTERN is used to parse a string, the parser will assume that the input string is formatted according to the localized rules for the "fr-FR" locale: var num = gadgets.i18n.parseNumber(gadgets.i18n.CURRENCY_PATTERN, "20 000 \u20AC"); Here, "num" will equal 20000. </t> If a foreign currency is used, U.S. Dollars for instance, the input string MUST still be formatted in accordance to the rules specified for the established locale and an optional currency code can be specified: var num = gadgets.i18n.parseNumber(gadgets.i18n.CURRENCY_PATTERN, "20 000 $", 0, "USD"); If, however, the input string is not formatted in accordance to the localized rules for the established locale, the predefined pattern will not work and a custom pattern needs to be used: var num = gadgets.i18n.parseNumber("#,###", "$20,000", 0, "USD"); #.#. Specifying Format and Parsing Patterns #.#.#. Date/Time Pattern Specification When formatting and parsing dates and times, the i18n feature utilizes the patten specification defined in Appendix F of the <eref target="http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Date_Format_Patterns"> Unicode Locale Data Markup Language</eref> with the exception that support for the following symbols is not required: - w: Week of year - W: Week of Month - D: Day of year - F: Day of Week in Month - g: Modified Julian day #.#.#. Number Pattern Specification Patterns for formatting and parsing numbers are expressed using the same grammar used by the Java Standard Edition's as described <eref target="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/NumberFormat.html">NumberFormat</eref> class.</t> For example, assuming a locale of "en-US", using the pattern "#,##0.00" to format the number 1234567.1234 using the formatNumber method would output "1,234,567.12". #.#. JavaScript Definitions #.#.#. Predefined Format Constants The Predefined Format Constants that MUST be supported are listed in the table below. The specific pattern associated with each constant will vary by locale. <texttable> <ttcol align="left" width="15%">Property</ttcol> <ttcol align="left">Description</ttcol> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.CURRENCY_PATTERN</spanx></c> <c>The default currency format, e.g. for the locale "en-US", the number 1234.235 would format as "$1,234.34".</c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.DECIMAL_PATTERN</spanx></c> <c>The default decimal number format, e.g. for the locale "de-DE", the number 1234 with a fractional decimal of 13 would format as "1.234,13".</c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.PERCENT_PATTERN</spanx></c> <c>The default percentage number format, e.g. for the locale "en-US", the number 123 would format as "12,300%"</c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.SCIENTIFIC_PATTERN</spanx></c> <c>The default scientific-notation format, e.g. the number 12345.0 would format as "1E4"</c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.FULL_DATE_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.FULL_DATETIME_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.FULL_TIME_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.LONG_DATE_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.LONG_DATETIME_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.LONG_TIME_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.MEDIUM_DATE_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.MEDIUM_DATETIME_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.MEDIUM_TIME_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.SHORT_DATE_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> <c><spanx style="verb">gadgets.i18n.SHORT_TIME_FORMAT</spanx></c> <c></c> </texttable> </section> (after here is the current javascript reference.. largely unmodified)