Core-Gadget - Content-Rewriting
Core-Gadget - Content-Rewriting
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<section title="Content Rewriting Feature"> <t>The Content Rewriting Feature defines a set of content modification operations that a container can perform when processing HTML and Proxied Content and defines rules that allow developers to control which content the rewriter can operate on.</t> <t>The Content Rewriting Feature is specified within the <ModulePrefs> with the feature name "content-rewrite" using either the <Optional> or <Require> element. Multiple <Param> elements are used to specify specific configuration options for the feature. Containers MAY support the Content Rewriting Feature.</t> <figure> <preamble>For example:</preamble> <artwork xml:space="preserve"> <Optional feature="content-rewrite"> <Param name="expires">86400</Param> <Param name="include-url"></Param> <Param name="exclude-url">excluded</Param> <Param name="exclude-url">moreexcluded</Param> <Param name="minify-css">true</Param> <Param name="minify-js">true</Param> <Param name="minify-html">true</Param> </Optional> </artwork> </figure> <t>The parameters supported by the "content-rewrite" feature are: <list type="hanging"> <t hangText="expires">The duration in seconds to force as minimum HTTP cache time for content fetched through the proxy via a rewritten URL. The default is 86400 seconds.</t> <t hangText="include-url">Any URL which contains this parameters value as a case-insensitive substring is considered rewriteable. The literal string "*" is a special case and implies all URLs. If not specified an entry with the value "*" is assumed. This parameter MAY appear multiple times within the <Optional> or <Require< tags.</t> <t hangText="exclude-url">Any URL which contains this parameters value as a case-insensitive substring is excluded from rewriting. The literal string "*" implies all URLs and effectively disables all rewriting. This parameter MAY appear multiple times within the <Optional> or <Require< tags.</t> <t hangText="minify-css">Controls whether the container can attempt to minify css in style tags and referenced css files. Valid values are "true"|"false". Default is "true".</t> <t hangText="minify-js">Controls whether the container can attempt to minify JS in script tags and referenced JS files. Valid values are "true" and "false". Default is "true".</t> <t hangText="minify-html">Controls whether the container can attempt to minify HTML content. Valid values are "true" and "false". Default is "true".</t> </list></t> <t>When values for both the "exclude-url" and "include-url" are specified, Matches for "exclude-url" take precedence over matches for "include-url".</t> <t>Note that the special use of "*" to denote all URLs should not be interpreted as support for GLOB or RegEx matching on strings.</t> <t>Containers are free to perform additional optimizations when rewriting links including but not limited to: <list type="symbols"> <t>Extracting @import directives from style tags and converting them into link tags in the head tag of the containing HTML content.</t> <t>Merging multiple CSS fetches from successive link tags into one link tag that causes the proxy to concatenate the content fetched from the individual URLs.</t> <t>Merging contiguous <script src=xxx> tags into one concatenating proxy fetch.</t> </list></t> <t>TODO: Need useful examples.. the ones currently in the spec aren't helpful.</t> </section> <!-- END CONTENT REWRITING -->
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